Launching of LOTs, Inc.

Legacy of the Small Foundation (LOTS, Inc.) is a non-profit organization with a mission to uplift the lives of ordinary people through sustainable programs on health, community, education, psychology and spiritual well-being.

Founded on Feb 2017, LOTS Inc. was built with the “Pay-It-Forward” mindset.  Advocates will share skills and resources to those who desperately need help, in the same spirit that they received help from others in the past. A commitment to stay connected like a family while extending generosity to the community.


A community of ordinary people giving hope and empowerment to the lives of other ordinary people.


  • To create sustainable programs in promoting social, mental, spiritual and psychological well-being.
  • To share skills and resources to its members and beneficiaries.
  • To partner with other communities whose programs coincide with our health, social, educational and environmental advocacies.

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